Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2019, 18:00 Uhr

ReactJS Meetup Leipzig #6


The summer is over - let’s meet(up) again ;)

This time Santo Pfingsten will talk about Modern React Build-Setup. In this talk, you will learn how to set up a flexible zero-configuration build environment without Create-React-App. The talk covers Parcel Setup, TypeScript + React, Styling & Components, Production Build, Asset imports (SCSS, YAML, Images, Fonts) and Code-Splitting.

Level: Beginner - you should be familiar with NPM and JS in general.

We have a slack workspace, too. Feel free to join!


  • 18:00 Modern React Build-Setup

  • 19:00 Food & Networking

  • 19:45 Work in groups or on your own on a build-setup with Parcel

The meetup is hosted at InVision @Karli. There will be food and drinks available. Doors are open at 17:45.

Language: The preferred language of the meetup is German. Depending on the language skills of our crowd we can switch to English.

Please bring your own notebook with you. No special setup is needed.

Happy to meet you,

Thomas, Jana, Sebastian & Caspar


InVision AG Karl-Liebknecht Straße 12 04107 Leipzig

Parkplätze findest Du in den umliegenden Straßen und Parkhäusern.