Dienstag, 28. März 2017, 18:00 Uhr

NodeSchool #2


It’s time for a new NodeSchool! This time we’ll be primarily working on the git-it and the how-to-npm workshoppers, but we’ll also offer mentor support for the two previous ones, learnyounode and javascripting.

Also, by popular request, we’ll be giving a talk about what Node.js is and what it is used for!


18:00 (6pm): Food, drinks and JS

18:30 (6.30pm): What is Node.js and what is it used for? (preliminary title)

19:30 (7.30pm): Workshopping time!

21:30 (9.30pm): Conclusion until ~10pm

Drinks & Snacks will be provided. Please bring your own laptops, otherwise the whole thing won’t really be worth it! Also, you should have at least some experience with JavaScript!

As to actually getting to the location: If you want to take the public transport system, the venue lies right next to the tram station ‘Speditionstraße’, which you can reach by taking the 707 tram line. If you want to walk 5 more minutes, you can also stop at the ‘Franziusstraße’ station, which you can reach with both the 707 and 706 trains. If you want to come by car, there’s parking spots (with a fee!) available right next to the building.


InVision AG Speditionstraße 5 40221 Düsseldorf

Parkplätze findest Du in den umliegenden Straßen und Parkhäusern.