Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2019, 18:00 Uhr

hafentalks #15: John Le Drew - Swearing, Nudity* & Other Vulnerable Positions

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18:00 Uhr - Welcome mit Drinks & Snacks

Nimm Dir einen Drink, lass Dich von unseren Küchenchefs kulinarisch verwöhnen und lerne die anderen Teilnehmer kennen. Du möchtest unser Headquarter sehen und wissen, wie und wo wir so arbeiten? Mach eine Tour mit und lass Dir alles zeigen.

19:45 Uhr - Vortrag mit John Le Drew: “Swearing, Nudity* and Other Vulnerable Positions”

This highly interactive talk will present the findings, guiding and challenging you through a journey to understanding safety. With discussion and improvisation to cover the following topics:

  • What is safety?
  • What are the elements that make a team effective?
  • Is psychological safety the foundation to team performance?
  • What can we all do to help foster psychological safety in our teams?
  • What is the relationship between safety, stress and engagement?
  • What is the profound impact of a lack of safety and engagement on society?
  • This talk has grown as John created the new podcast The Agile Path. The first season on this podcast is about safety in teams. This has been a fascinating deep dive learning experience for John and he hopes to explore these insights with the audience.

*Swearing/Nudity not guaranteed. No refunds will be given based solely on the quantity or lack thereof of clothing or curse words.

20:45 Uhr - Q&A

Du hast noch Fragen zum Talk? Keine Scheu, bei uns soll keine Frage offen bleiben.

21:00 Uhr - Networking

Nach dem Talk kannst Du Dich mit den anderen Teilnehmern austauschen und den Abend langsam ausklingen lassen.

22:00 Uhr - Ende

Wo ein Anfang ist, muss auch ein Ende sein. Du hattest einen tollen Abend? Hoffentlich sehen wir uns bei den nächsten hafentalks wieder.


John Le Drew

John Le Drew

John has spent most of the last 2 decades working in the software industry, with a focus on web technologies. After 10 years as a software engineer, he moved into consultancy where he quickly learned the value of team dynamics and how most technical challenges are projecting underlying issues with collaboration.

So his focus shifted, while still being very involved technically, his first focus is on facilitating a safe, creative, collaborative environment.


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