Nimm Dir einen Drink, lass Dich von unseren Küchenchefs kulinarisch verwöhnen und lerne die anderen Teilnehmer kennen. Du möchtest unser Headquarter sehen und wissen, wie und wo wir so arbeiten? Mach eine Tour mit und lass Dir alles zeigen.
Everything is changing. Everything is new. Frameworks, platforms and trends are displaced on a weekly basis. Skills are churning.
And yet… Beneath this seemingly turbulent flow, there is a slow current, strong and steady, changing relatively little over the decades. Concepts with a long history appear in new forms and fads and technologies. Principles are revisited. Ideas once lost to the mainstream are found again.
In this keynote we revisit the present through the past, looking at the enduring principles that shape programming languages, architecture, development practice and development process, the ideas that cycle round, each time becoming perhaps a little better defined, a little more mature, and look to see what else might be on the horizon.
Du hast noch Fragen zum Talk? Keine Scheu, bei uns soll keine Frage offen bleiben.
Nach dem Talk kannst Du Dich mit den anderen Teilnehmern austauschen und den Abend langsam ausklingen lassen.
Wo ein Anfang ist, muss auch ein Ende sein. Du hattest einen tollen Abend? Hoffentlich sehen wir uns bei den nächsten hafentalks wieder.
Kevlin Henney is an independent consultant, speaker, writer and trainer. His development interests are in patterns, programming, practice and process.
He has contributed to open- and closed-source development has been a columnist for a number of magazines and sites and has been on far too many committees (it has been said that “a committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled”).
He is co-author of “A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing” and “On Patterns and Pattern Languages” and editor of “97 Things Every Programmer Should Know”. He lives in Bristol and online.
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