Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2018, 18:00 Uhr

GDG Cloud Düsseldorf Meetup - Google Speech API and NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes


Jonas Verhoelen and Tobias Trelle from codecentric AG are giving an introduction to Google Gloud machine learning APIs for speech recognition and text analysis. They will present an overview of the GCP APIs, show use cases and do some live demos.

Michael Pleshakov from NGINX will present NGINX as an Ingress Controller for Kubernetes. This talk is for Kubernetes users, looking to deliver applications on Kubernetes in production. By the end of the talk we will successfully load balance HTTP as well as TCP/UDP applications on Kubernetes with NGINX Ingress Controller. You will see how to:

  • install the Ingress Controller through Kubernetes manifests or Helm;
  • configure the Ingress Controller to load balance HTTP and TCP/UDP applications;
  • monitor the Ingress Controller using Prometheus;
  • troubleshoot the Ingress Controller in case of problems;
  • extend the Ingress Controller to support advanced load balancing requirements.

Our Agenda

  • 18:00 - 19:00 - Dinner’s ready
  • 19:00 - 19:45 - Google Cloud Machine Learning: Introduction to Speech API & Natural Language API
  • 19:45 - 20:30 - NGINX as an Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
  • 20:30 - … Clubmate, Beer and great discussions…


InVision AG Speditionstraße 5 40221 Düsseldorf

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