Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2019, 19:00 Uhr

DevOps Meetup #17


Here’s what’s happening:

  • 19:00 Doors open, Drinks & Snacks

  • 19:45 1st talk of the night: Manage k8s with Puppet by Fabio Coatti

Kubernetes on premise could be challeging to manage, even more so when the scale is on the hundreds of servers. In this talk we will see a way to solve this challenge by mixing pre-cloud configuration management system and latest kubernetes technology.

About the speaker

Fabio Coatti is an engineer at Metronom, working in the team dedicated to install and maintain Kubernetes. Long time open source user and advocate, started to play with linux since 0.99pl13 and still having fun.

  • 20:15 Short Break

  • 20:30 2nd talk of the night: Infrastructure to support Image Classification on a Large by Scale by Sayon Kumar Saha

In this talk I’ll give a brief overview of the AWS infrastructure we built at trivago to support external & in-house machine learning models performing image classification tasks. We have 70+ Million hotel images with a range of 80+ associated image tags & concepts such as Pool, Bedroom, Spa, Beach, etc. Using various AWS components, the serverless image tagging pipeline takes care of pre-processing the incoming images and supporting models to tag them for streaming out to relevant stakeholders.

About the speaker

Sayon is an image enthusiast working at trivago , focusing in the area of data science (computer vision and NLP problems) & data engineering (AWS technologies). Beyond work, he is active in the local tech-community, a lot into photography and maintains a blog

  • 21:00 Networking & Drinks

  • 22:00 EOM (End of Meetup)


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