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Since the idea first percolated in 2010 through to its current state as a permanent hashtag on Twitter, Lean UX has created a new way of looking at how we design products and services. Equally as important, it has created a new way to look at working together with our colleagues in product management, software engineering, marketing and executive leadership.
Have the countless, conferences, articles, blog posts, books and presentations made a difference? Has Lean UX made a difference? How have the ideas evolved since 2010?
In this talk, Jeff Gothelf, author of Lean UX, recaps his learnings from practitioner to author and to teacher of Lean UX. What has worked? What hasn’t? Why? Where are things now and where are they headed? This tactical talk covers all of that and more.
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Jeff Gothelf is an author, speaker and executive coach. He co-founded Neo Innovation in New York City and helped build it into one of the most recognized brands in modern product strategy, development and design. He is the co-author of Sense and Respond (HBR Press), Lean UX (O’Reilly) and Lean vs Agile vs Design Thinking (S&R Press). Recently, Jeff co-founded Sense & Respond Press, a publishing house for modern, transformational business books.
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