19:00 Doors open & Drinks
19:45 Hybrid Kubernetes Cluster on Raspberry PI and more by Peter Rossbach
In this talk, Peter will talk about how Docker was extended from x86 Linux to the ARM platforms for your applications. They will cover the work and architecture that makes it possible to run Apps on different CPU architectures.
Peter will also demonstrate some of the new features of the current Docker CE engine to manage Kubernetes Clusters with both x86 and Raspberry PI Linux nodes.
As founder of bee42, System Architect, Cloud Native Engineer, Apache Member, Apache Tomcat Committer, Infracoder and DevOps Enabler, Peter can rely on a sustainable and remarkable experience. With his skills he inspires people. The bee42 crew rethinks IT and improves your systems with passion.
20:15 Break
20:30 FaaS Lessons Learned by Marcus Weiner
Building apps on Functions as a Service (FaaS) providers, like AWS Lambda, has been a large trend for some years. Engineers want to leverage per-request scalability and abstraction of the deployment platform. In reality there will naturally be new approaches to central concerns like deployment, backup, monitoring and debugging for those modern compute workloads. Marcus has been running a FaaS app in production for over a year and will present learnings and advice on the different operational topics.
Marcus is a freelance web & systems engineer, coach and consultant. His gathered his experience by building prototypes and experimenting with new paradigms. He is a happy user of Typescript, Golang & Containers and likes to automate all things.
21:15 More drinks
22:00 End of Event
As usual, we’ll be providing delicious food and a variety drinks.
You will find parking spaces in the surrounding streets and car parks.