Our next DevOps & Infrastructure Meetup will take place on March the 21st. Same location, the same excellent food and of course, free drinks. Food will be vegan, as always.
19:00 Doors, Food, Drinks
19:45 Monitoring with Prometheus by Frederic Hemberger
How to keep track of your applications at runtime has been an issue for developers long before this whole “devops” became a thing. This talk shows with a couple of small live demos what Prometheus is and what makes it so interesting. You will learn how to easily collect and evaluate metrics from servers and applications in minutes, what the difference between blackbox and whitebox monitoring is, and how to send alerts to different recipients.
20:15 Break
20:30 Kubernetes Package Management with Helm by Thomas Peitz
In this talk you will get an Introduction into shipping containers with Helm. You get an answer why you should use it even if your „sed“ in the deployment pipeline works fine. How Helm Helps (triple H) devs to work more efficiently with Kubernetes and how to create your first helm chart and how to secure everything.
21:15 Free for all
Present your own little projects, let’s exchange ideas and discuss spontaneous questions.
22:00 Grab another drink or two / official end of the event
You will find parking spaces in the surrounding streets and car parks.