April 25, 2018 18:30

GDG Cloud Düsseldorf: Cloud Study Jam (Workshop, limited spots)


What is it?

Learn the fundamentals of the Google Cloud Platform, how to run containers on it and how to use the platform for data engineering. Attendees get free access to the labs ($70+ value). No need to create a Google Cloud Platform account or register with a credit card.

How long does it take?

One in-person session of 3 hours, followed by 2-8 hours of self-study.

What is the end result?

Google-hosted badges like this: https://google.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/3707ebde-dc9a-47e6-8992-84a84a85b929 that attendees can use in their online profiles and show to employers.

Bring a laptop (PC, Mac or Chromebook)! The labs will run on all of the latest versions of the popular browsers. For the best experience, make sure your laptop has Firefox or Chrome installed.


  • 6:30pm: Three Google Cloud Platform Essentials labs
  • 8:00pm: Break
  • 8:30pm: Intro to Docker or Scientific Data Processing lab
  • 22:00pm: Event ends

If you cannot make it please remove yourself from the list, so that others have the chance to join.


InVision AG Speditionstraße 5 40221 Düsseldorf

You will find parking spaces in the surrounding streets and car parks.